Saturday, March 6, 2010

What have I been up to lately?

Well, it's 2 weeks instead of 3, right? That's a little better. Some of you may be wondering what I have been up to for the last two weeks. Honestly, a little bit of everything:
I started work on a beautiful maternity shirt...

It's not finished yet and I've got fabric to make a second one, but isn't it an awesome wrap shirt? Hopefully I made it long enough to keep up with my ever-expanding belly! (This is made from a pattern courtesy of Megan Nielsen at

I made tons more cards:

Can you tell I'm really in to making four card sets with matching card purses? I sold the bird set before it was even finished! (I'd like to thank Ellie at Digital Stamp Oasis for the super-cute squirrell stamps. Check her out at

And, alas, tons of fabric shopping:

My daughter picked these out for some summer dresses! I can't wait to get to them sewn and show you all pictures of her in them!
A messenger bag/laptop bag for myself. I loved the slight green tint to the slight green tint to the khaki fabric!

Who could resist the World War II era airplane print and the old-timey baseball pinstripe? I think I'm going to make a carseat shade/cover from the airplanes and a blanket backed in this awesome Egyptian cotton I found with the baseball one.

And the fabric for my scary project...I'm making messenger bags for my mother, 12 year-old sister, and 10 year-old brother. Can you guess which canvas and lining goes to who? I've decided that the more text messages I get asking if they are finished, the further down my to-do list they get pushed!

I've been busy! I also started work full-time last week so it's amazing that I get anything done. It was a nice break to sit down with you and show you all of my various-stage projects and I hope to do so again soon. Now, back to my nesting-instinct-induced cleaning spree!